AURA Hardware Requirements

AURA supports up to 32 threads. In the AURA settings you can select always 32 threads. Then the systems spreads the calculation over all available CPU cores.

But in AURA only the ray-tracing calculations itself can be parallelized, but the access to the loudspeaker files and the directivity balloon calculation not.

So only in larger rooms where you run AURA with more particles, longer calculation time and scattering the ray-tracing part dominates and causes a higher CPU load over all cores.

Only then more CPU cores will calculate faster.

If you have rooms with a distributed loudspeaker system with many sound sources (e.g. shopping mall or airport terminals) a faster CPU (higher clock rate) with less CPU cores could be faster or at least not much slower (for instance an I9 4 core CPU with clock rate > 3 GHz),.